Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

not wishing to rain on your parade here, but what happens if it ends up like the original killzone? Massive hype, dubbed a halo killer, looked great and ended up....erm....average.

Nothing wrong with being excited, but dont get unrealistic expectations about what a game is likely to be. Thats what makes the bitter after taste of dissappointment all the harder to bear.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said. Most of the comments made between console fanboys are just childish. Its quite sad really, as games like killzone 2 are the kind of games that bring sales onto the ps3, and entice developers working on games for the 360 to go that extra mile to try and top it. Games like this benefit owners of both consoles and the industry as a whole, and until fanboys can stop acting like petulant children and see that, proper gamers will still be a laughing stock. Dont bite the hand that feeds y...

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

jeez - what did halo ever do to you? Responsible for robbing your house maybe? Or killing a member of your family??

Fact is, sales are irrellevant - how many people are still playing halo 3 on xbox live? hundreds of thousands - so are they all just loving playing a bad game? I doubt it. Halo 3 is a very good game. Its not the greatest game on the planet, despite what M$ try to make us believe, but comon, that many people cant have been suckered into playing something that bad,...

6138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

zhuk, the 360 has plenty of turd games too. Besides, the ps3 barely has any exclusives, and only one of them has been truly bad (lair) - everything else has been reasonable or better. the 360 has a game based on a toyota yaris. A TOYOTA YARIS!!!!

Fact is if a console is easier to develop for (which i might add is not an opinion held by many) it means that more idiots and talentless fools will write games for it - hence, if what you're saying is true, the 360 will get saddled wi...

6138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

completely agree - the gamercard system (and i do realise its somewhat dangerous to talk like this on a sony thread nowadays) is brilliant and sony would be well advised to look at how they can do something that gives the same level of "identity" to your online presence - right now its what sets live apart from other forms of online gaming really. So long as they dont get too ambitious with it - when it comes to firing up a session on something like COD4, simplicity wins every time ...

6138d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

not trolling here at all, but if its really about features such as multiplayer game launching, game invites, achievements and the like (as opposed to all the social gimmick-ness), why dont sony take a look at some (not all) of the things m$ did with the 360 dashboard? Its definately not without its faults, but inviting people to games is really easy (needs clan support tho) and the achievements are non-intrusive enough that they work pretty well.

I am not in any way saying sony...

6138d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

am i the only ps3 owner in the world who is still trying to work out what the point of this is? is it just an excuse to give up on going out altogether so when you're in between games of MGS4 and KZ2 you can chat to friends without ever have to see them in the flesh again?

Sorry, dont get the appeal. Just give us an in-game xmb and a more intuitive media browsing interface!!! (oh, and a few more damn games please - i've gone back to playing God of war 2 because i've finished e...

6138d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

sorry - cant read the article as i'm at work.

Can anyone post a brief synopsis of the dlc?

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The link between the 360 and hd-dvd is far weaker than the link between blu-ray and the ps3. If hd-dvd fails, its not too much of a leap to think that M$ could bring out a blu-ray addon, just like they did with the hd-dvd addon before. Clearly m$ have to back hd-dvd in public, but in private, given the sort of company they are, i'm sure they'll have contingencies being worked on.

The major reason why blu ray is percieved to be winning is the ps3 - if the 360 came with an hd-dvd...

6138d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

opposite for me - of my circle of friends, most have 360's. I'm the only one with a ps3 (although i have a 360 too) - they arent huge gamers, so they've been swayed by what (at least at the moment) seems like a more accessible product that provides a lot more choice in its gaming library - the multimedia capabilities are irrellevant to them (whereas i play all my streaming media thru my ps3, and use the blu-ray loads).

I can understand sony saying they are taking the long-term...

6139d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i think ps3 and 360 owners and fanboys alike should unite against a common enemy. the Wii is the enemy of all true gamers everwhere!!!! ITS A GODDAMN KIDS TOY!

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we must also be aware that computers, when they become self-aware, may watch a copy of tron, and make us all duel on light-bikes until we are all dead. We cannot allow the revolution to happen! Stop the MCP!

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

fact is, you have to be realistic about this. It is the fault of parents for buying violent games for children. Those that complain are wanting the possibility of screwing up taken away from them so they dont feel moronic. Lets face it - would you go out and buy a copy of Saw on DVD for your 12 year old? Hell no. So long as the games industry clearly rates its games as to their content, it is entirely up to the consumer as to whether they buy them if they are legally allowed to do so.

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is the only sensible comment on here! I would love KZ2 to be brilliant, but are we forgetting that the first game was touted as a halo killer and ended up being nothing more than painfully average?

6141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is the best avatar image i've ever seen. Have a bubble :O)

6141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

makes you wonder tho - they gave AC a 9 (i liked it actually, but would have said its more like a 7.8 or so), and their website was plastered with images of it as their front page background...

wish they'd get paid off to re-review a couple games that scored less than 3 for a laugh - completely destroy the tiny shred of credibility they have left, and leave their front page covered in images of anuibis II on the wii.....

6142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

cant read the article cos i'm at work, but from what i've read in the past, the clan support, removal of demo xbla games from gamercards and EU access to video marketplace are the most appealing from my point of view.

The friends-of-friends thing is just a nod to myspace and facebook - they are just trying to make xbox live more like a community - cant hurt i suppose, not exactly earth-shattering though. Wish they'd sort out the music interface to be honest - got 10,000 songs s...

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyone remember Shogo: Mobile Armor Division? That was a monolith game - used the same engine as blood 2 - it was superb - an fps where you played as a battlemech! AWESOME!

6142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets think about your statement shall we.

Struck gold with uncharted, heavenly sword, and r&c. Right, well:

Uncharted - i can't comment too much, i've not played it, and no matter how hard i try, the damn demo still wont work (eu demo and a us ps3 arent friendly it seems). However it looks like it has some potential - best exclusive game so far based on the reviews i'd say.

HS - MASSIVE DISSAPPOINTMENT. Graphics are great, voice acting and cuts...

6142d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think you're mixing up hardcore xbox fans with xbox fanboy morons :O)

6142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment